Sexy Pinup Babes
I love seeing Sexy Pinup Babes with their rich, luscious backgrounds and they are kinda more likely to show they’re feet than some other niches. I wanted to start this index so in the future, if the whole “pinup” thing goes out of style, these kick ass creators will at least be documented, which is the main purpose of these visual indexes that I’ve made.
Miss Marion Massacre
Miss Marion Massacre is a super pretty pin up and she does her craft well. I really love the photographs for the most part and thats what I dig about the pin up scene, most of these creators cater to sheer fetishists as well as other cross promotion. Like most of the creators here, i'd
Stephanie Jay_uk
Stephanie Jay_uk is such a pretty one. Nevermind that I just adore the retro/burlesque scene, this one's special. Her feet are so pretty, i'd take my time making out with them. It would be cool to know her by her pheromones. I'd love to see her perform sometime. Even though I'm in the U.S. and
Lola Diamond
Lola Diamond has that dark vampy look, I dig that. She is a seamstress and she also does other things. I really liked the images and the more I looked, the more I fell. Backgrounds and settings are just beautiful and went with whatever she was modeling at the time. Content quality, as you can
Vivi Louise
Vivi Louise is just ridiculously pretty. Although I'm not surprised that there is a "pin up" scene online, I never knew, well until now, how many creators fill this niche. Tens of thousands. Vivi is kinda the epitome of the pinup scene imho. Now I've just scratched the surface of this subculture, but I really
Polly Glamorous
Polly Glamorous is a cutie patootie. Sometimes whilst indexing creators to send traffic to, I fall into a wormhole of sorts with these creators who know other creators, etc. Before you know it, I'm indexing the personal circles they have. Anyway, I think she's cool, from her glasses, to her art to her cute little
Delilah Drinks
Delilah Drinks is just a cutie patootie, I love this woman's style. Her makeup, smile, just everything about her screams "Diva". So that's why she's here getting some traffic from us. I also love those Vampire nails that she's sporting. Please oh lord, let her have a "foot pic" or two.. Aww she's got some
Miss Bebe
Miss Bebe is a piece of fruit from the awesome tree, haha. She's not really "selling" anything, regardless I still encourage you peeps to support these content creators, running social media and everything else, it's alot of work. She looks like she puts a fair amount of thought into her work and as an artist,
Jasmine Loux
Jasmine Loux is just delicious in each and every way. I love the lighting and the looks. You can tell that she works with some great talent. And with her being a makeup artist. Man. Right up my alley much? She's also foot centric. She obviously knows that people like me exist. Oh how wonderful
Murder Queen
Murder Queen has some really pretty feet. Swoon! She also has a great posing style. She's also an artist, if you'd like to check out her wares, I love women that are multifaceted. That's really one of the reasons that I built this visual erotic alt directory. To showcase most of the women, artists, models