Alt Goddess Update Archive
Welcome to my Alt Goddess Update Archive. Here, you can see all of the updates that I’ve been doing in regards to growing this brand as well as the ongoing indexing of some of the Hottest Alt Babes that the internet has to offer. Check back if you haven’t surfed us in awhile and we’ll see you on the main babe directory.
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
Winter 2025 / February 6 – Wow peeps, all this time and I had no coed indexes sans the cosplay index, blaah, Ok so adding new creators and doing that.
Winter 2025 / February 5 – Good afternoon, peeps, doing what I do here this update ..and just like that, we’re over 400 alt Goddesses listed. I remember when altGoddess only had like 34 creators listed, haha. Go Eagles this Sunday!
Winter 2025 / January 12 – Hey all, i’m just about out but as you can see below, i’ve added a couple of indexes here on the main page, filling out alt Goddess quite nicely for 2025. Go Broncos!
Winter 2025 / January 10 – Good evening all, doing an incremental update this evening as well as a small version update to put us on the “same page” as far as erotic directories go. Lastly, it’s taking so long to index because most all of the creators here are just freaking awesome! Not a “problem” really, truly blessed. Thoughts and prayers for California and Go Broncos this weekend!
Winter 2024 / December 24 – Hola peeps, I just wanted to wish you and yours a very merry christmas, all around the world, let’s just get along!
Fall 2024 / December 4 – Hay all, happy holidays, mother truckers! This update, re-indexing, maybe adding some galleries then a new wall, as we rocket our way to having over 400 alt creators online, an online marketplace for the cute little evil creators that are now here to show you what they’ve got!
Fall 2024 / November 13 – Good morning peeps, re-indexing, galleries maybe? A new wall after that! I hope you are all enjoying the holidays.
Fall 2024 / October 24 – Hey all, on the books this update is re-indexing and then a new wall as we rocket our way to over 400 creators indexed this holiday season! Hope you are all well.
Summer 2024 / September 17 – Good evening everyone, I hope you are all well. So like my other directories, i’m going to be re-indexing a bit and then I have a new wall going up and maybe some creator galleries, we’ll see.
Summer 2024 / August 26 – Hey all, how is everyone? I’m in the middle of a diabetic episode, so i’m going real slow until i get better, thats why this update is taking a minute.
Summer 2024 / August 22 – Good afternoon peeps, got some “under the hood” stuff going on with the creator tube thats going to be fixed, re-indexing some then i’ll have a new wall up after that, as we pass over three hundred and fifty alt Goddesses indexed and getting traffic! :). Well as i’m re-indexing i’m putting up the early creators and it seems i was addicted to cosplay back in the day, i’m just stoked they are all still online, so far.
Spring 2024 / July 30 – Hey all how’s your day going? I’ll be here, doing a good amount of stuff but at the end of it, I will also be putting up a new wall of creators. Re-indexing first though, because of the new creator swipe tube.
Spring 2024 / July 17 – Well it’s been about a month since i’ve been around. Not sure is this timeline is the new normal for me or not. I’ve never had my whole network online. I’m happy though to be doing my stuff. Also alt Goddess is proud to give to the Dumb Friends League. 7% of my earnings are given to this kind organization during the holidays. Animals are innocent creatures and are children of God. Let’s not forget how precious they are in the midst of our busy day to day, peeps. If you’re a fetishist, you’re already more sensitive then most, you know that.. If you find an animal in distress, please do the right thing and help them, please and thank you.
Spring 2024 / June 17 – I also changed the “rollovers” so now there is an excerpt you can read before you click, so please let me know about any issues with that. I’ll be off, later this evening, hope you’re as excited as I am about the new changes and I’m making this as an small update since i’m planning on doing this to all of my directories. Welcome to Version 7.3.1!
Spring 2024 / June 16 – Happy Sunday all! I have a new wall going up and launching a second alt tube. It’s beta and only has a couple of video trailers for now. It’s a unique format since a good amount of creators now are doing video preview walls instead of images. This tube solves that problem of how to index these creators. As far as “current times”, personally, I think WW3 is coming, like soon, peeps. You’re all going to love these creators! Hope you’ve all been well!
Spring 2024 / May 25 – Happy Memorial day, peeps! Much love for the U.S. Armed forces and all of our allies, taking time out for remembrance and respect. Lastly, China and Russia, the “bitchslap is a comin”. Next time, pick a better government plz. Thanks ~ the world.
Spring 2024 / May 11 – We are back in rotation, thanks for your patience, got a new batch of creators going up right meow.
Spring 2024 / May 8 – Hey everyone. I will be doing a crapload of changes in the next couple of days. Welcome to version 7.3, wooot! GUI refresh, new updates page, new logo, making sure all creators are all online and not 404, refreshes with some individual creators, etc. I’ll let you all know when i’m done.
Winter 2024 / February 21 – Ok so like i’ve been talking about forever, i’m re indexing the creators here on my network. It’s been going good so far with time, so hopefully this will all be done by the summer, then regular updates will be resuming. See you all again when i’m done.
Winter 2024 / February 6 – Hey all, it’s been awhile. I hope you are all well. I have a new wall going up through this evening. Please enjoy the new creators and I hope that you are all well.
Winter 2023 / December 30 – Ok, so the pages up above are re arranged. One index deleted, 3 new ones added. Ok so hot content creators, us, sexy cosplay babes and hot net babes are going to be part of my new babe network, then no more directories, i swear, 34 are enough, lol. Growing, growing, growing.
Winter 2023 / December 29 – Happy new years eve before the eve of the eve of New Years ;). So as promised, cutting back updates to 8 new creators instead of 12 for the time being. Hope you’re all well, i’ll be here for a couple of days.
Fall 2023 / November 28 – Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all are warm, safe and loved, especially this time of year. I have a new wall going up in the next couple of days and a ton of growth next year is also in the forecast. Like all of my visual directories, I have too many creators waiting to be indexed.
Fall 2023 / October 21 – Hey all, adding a new wall this evening and doing some minor upgrades, halloween is a week and a half away, woot!! If I do anything major though i’ll update this post, k? Also with this update, we just passed 300 alt Goddesses indexed :).
Hello again, updating again, because i’m adding a new “Pro Domme” library. This will be under “alt Content Creators. G0 Broncos, woot!
Fall 2023 / September 27 – Good early morning to you, i’ll be finishing the re-index with this update, woot! We also go over 300 alt creators indexed! Lastly, it’s Fall ya’ll, my favorite season 😉
Summer 2023 / August 25 – Hey all, reindexing continues. I hope to be in the high 80% range before adding new creators. We’re almost at 300 alt creators indexed, pretty proud of that. Also expanding the alt creator window since I’m going back to updating 12 new alt creators a pop! I already have alot of alt creators indexed, I wanna turn it up and get caught up. So i’ll be here for awhile if anyone needs anything.
Summer 2023 / July 31 – Ok so I didn’t get completely reindexed, but almost 80 % done is alot better than 60% done. So now let’s update some new creators, they look to be “smoking fetish” creators! Hope all of you sexy people are well.
Summer 2023 / July 30 – Hey all. My goal here this time around will be to finish re indexing this alt erotic directory and adding a new wall of creators. I am also doing an incremental version update, including bring back the poll system.
Summer 2023 / July 4 – Happy 4th of July, oh no big deal, 10 mass shootings today to go along with my bbq and my netflix, yee haw, blah. This society is broken and our forefathers are turning over in they’re graves. Anyway, I’m going to be re indexing and then another wall of alt creators for you! Tonights batch is really all about fetish fashion.
Summer 2023 / June 26 – Hey peeps, so I’m gonna really get into re skinning the site to version 7.2. So i’ll be working on re indexing for the time I’m here. Next time, i’ll be adding new alt creators to check out as well as re indexing and i’ll be doing that first, until re indexing is done.
Spring 2023 / June 2 – I’m back, doing some re indexing as well as bringing you 4 new alt creators. I’ll be here today and tomorrow if anyone needs anything. 😉
Spring 2023 / May 5 – Hey all, I’m here doing a full creator update as we move towards 300 alt creators indexed.
Spring 2023 / April 19 – Version 7.1 is running for the next couple of months as well as re-indexing this directory. 7.1 brings a new index, the new “core status” down below, while I’m reindexing, I’m adding follower count per creator, as well as new promotionals from they’re brand. It will be interesting to see who’s online and who’s dipped out in the past 6 months. So making sure they are still online and not 404 and updated images for every creator.
Spring 2023 / March 27 – Good late evening peeps. Putting up a couple of new alt creators this evening and probably lasting till tomorrow afternoon. I’ll also be adding a “pinup babes” index and it will be a submenu under ‘alt content creators” Hope you are all warm and well.
Winter 2023 / February 26 – what’s up with microsoft STILL having a backlog of fucking xbox’s. Sooo freaking frustrating, but “first world” problems, I get it. Putting three new creators up this evening and probably tomorrow, as we hurtle our way to 300 creators indexed and sending traffic to. Lastly, adding the burlesque index to this page, it’s time.
Winter 2023 / February 13 – Hola, adding a couple of creators this evening, hope you are all well! Also Happy Valentine’s Day, peeps!
Winter 2023 / January 30 – Hola, adding a couple of creators this evening, hope you are all well!
Winter 2023 / January 14 – Hey all, I am hoping to have this directory finished at some point, by the end of the year. Adding a couple creators this evening. Hope you are all well.
Winter 2022 / December 28 – Crazy turn around time right? I think 2 days is the quickest update cycle I’ve done. This extra time will afford me the opportunity to round out this collection of busty content creators. I’ll be touching every directory twice a month until I’m caught up.
Winter 2022 / December 26 – Hey everyone, doing a version update today into this evening with version 7. I’ll be resetting the right sidebar for the creators. Also going to be adding a couple of new content creators for you to check out.
Fall 2022 / December 7 – Ok so I have 2 new indexes, “Clothing Fetish” and “Burlesque Creators”. Since I’m giving the cosplay niche their own directory, i’m, going to start indexing these 2 niches as well. Also changing some “verbage” with the top navigation. So yeah. 😉
Fall 2022 / December 4 – Merry Christmas time season everyone! I’ll be putting up some content creators, tonight and into tomorrow. Hope you’re all well and without much further adieu, here we go!
Fall 2022 / November 3 – This is definitely my “happy place” when I just need t0 recharge. I guess because I love alt women, and the dark. I like the dark. Dark and light are both a duality. I try and master both if I can. Do good, harm none. alt Goddess is alot smaller than her big sisters, Foot Adoration or Big Chested Models, which get maybe 10x the traffic, but she’s equal in my eyes. Le sigh, I should be done with this wall early early morning. Gonna push through.
As stated previously, the cosplayer creators want something “happier” haha. < which is the most adorable thing I’ve heard this year actually. I’m gonna try and throw that directory in the mix as I get ready to launch that sometime in the Spring.
Fall 2022 / November 1 – Hey all, I got sick, sorry for being late. A new wall of alt creators is going online this update. This will probably take a couple of days. Hope you all had a great and safe Halloween!
Fall 2022 / October 11 – I always look at updating alt Goddess as a giggly little treat. The dark beauty that oozes out of this site is so delicious. Just like the cosplayers, these content creators usually have just beautiful content. I have literally no idea why this alt directory only gets a trickle of traffic per day, compared to the other behemoths of traffic that is also within this network. Especially when this is one of my favorite niches to cover, haha. Please put the word out with me, I can only do so much from here.. and these content creators deserve so much more. Wrapping things up and will reset the counter before I leave.
Fall 2022 / October 10 – Hey all, got a new wall of alt creators going up this evening. I hope that you are all well and doing fine! One thing of note, I got a new domain for the cosplay creators so I will be evening out the galleries on desktop and call it a day. Of course, I’ll have links to the new domain as well.
Fall 2022 / September 22 – Ahh, the first day of fall. Le sigh, I’ve been waiting all year for this season. It’s my favorite. doing a GUI test, i’ll update this evening. <it should all be done. The update is done as well!
Summer 2022 / September 1 – She’s re-indexed and current and she looks beautiful! Next update, i’ll be adding more content creators.
Summer 2022 / August 31 – …and so it begins. I’ll be here until re-indexing is done.
Summer 2022 / August 30 – Hey all, I’m gonna be re indexing alt Goddess in the next week or so. Maybe sooner, I’m re-indexing her sister site Hot Net Babes right now. I look forwards bringing these two indexes up to date as far as my version update. So doing some code modifications here and getting altGoddess’s framework ready for version 6.9.
Summer 2022 / August 12 – So, yeah I lied, I’m gonna go ahead and update this visual babe directory to version 6.8.5. Included are revising some of the verbage, new “trending babes” sidebar. Resizing the pages so the sidebar isn’t scrolling forever on desktop. Providing tooltip information on “mainstream” models that I have indexed. Replacing pics with promotional video feeds on “Babe Spotlight”, among other things. It’s a big update.
Summer 2022 / August 7 – Hey everyone, as previously stated, I’m working on my other 4 porn directories and as soon as I am done with that (next month), i’ll be here during the fall, updating this visual alt directory and Hot Net Babes.
Spring 2022 / May 14 – Hey all, i’ll be here for a couple of days, updating with content creators. If anyone needs anything, please feel free to email me. Oh before I go, I might be adding new libraries, depending on how much of whatever niche I upload, heads up.
Spring 2022 / April 28 – Got a new wall going up this evening. Hope you are all well in these interesting times. Out of all of my visual directories, with this site, I have the most content creators in que to be added, over 100. Looking forward to putting all of these beauties up and start getting them some exposure.
Spring 2022 / April 4 – Throwing up a new wall this evening! Aaaand we’re now over 200 alt content creators, galleries and sites indexed, wooot! How about that folks! Thanks a bunch for your continued patronage.
Spring 2022 / March 21 – Hey all, I’m getting ready to put up a new wall this evening. This will take a couple of days, as I am working alot more now. Out of all of my visual directories, altGoddess has the most content creators in que. I’m pretty excited that with the next wall that goes up, we’ll be over 200 content creators and sites indexed! I’ll also be re skinning the tube, not that there’s not shit on there, but there will be. Lastly, Happy Spring solstice, everyone.
Winter 2022 / February 25 – Zee wall is done for this update. You’ll also see that the “Cosplay Babes” index also has a new library “Coed Cosplay Babes”. Next update, we’ll be knocking on the door of 200+ alt content creators, sites and galleries indexed. I love watching my baby alt Goddess grow like it is.
Winter 2022 / February 23 – Hey, throwing up a new wall tonight. I’m pretty excited about it. I’ve been super happy with my other erotic visual directories. This new wall is primarily cosplay babes. I think I had tunnel vision when I made this particular part of the que, haha.
I have a little over 100 new content creators back logged for indexing. I know how this directory will grow and it’s exciting.
Winter 2022 / February 14 – First off, Happy Valentines Day! Single or coupled, you’re not alone. ;). Ok, so I’m done! That took 3 days. I nixed some sites because the programs they are associated with seem shady now. So new number down below, reflects the new index count. I’ll be back next weekend with new alt content creators you should check out!
Winter 2022 / February 11 – Whats up everyone! I know it’s been a minute, as these erotic and fetish centric visual directories grow, it becomes a bigger beast to tame. I am updating to version 6.5 today, hopefully being done by the weekend. I have moved the mainstream porn back to Hot Net Babes, our sister site. I did this because the direction I’m moving altGoddess into. I want to be the “go to” for erotic subversive content creators, websites and models to show you who they are and what types of erotic delights they have to offer you.
This is a much more visual overhaul than anything else. Although I will be checking everyone to make sure they aren’t 404 and that the GUI is the same throughout the site. I’ll also be updating the main navigation, if you can’t find an old index, please check the sub menus, they are there. I’ll be updating as I go.
Winter 2022 / January 17 – Hey everyone, tonight, I’m celebrating over 200 alt content creators and alt erotic sites indexed, with the wall going up tonight! I have also updated the core files on this domain as well as the tube for later this year. You’ll also notice that I’ve added two new categories on this page, for the Metal Babes and Tattooed Babes we have indexed. I’ll also be adding Hot Goth chicks later this year when I start indexing that genre, hence this incremental version update.
Winter 2021 / December 24 – Hola, it’s been a minute. Got really sick for like 3 weeks, and didn’t really do shit as far as getting to my sponsors, tbh. But next week, I’m going to be getting back to content creators for now. When I’ve exhausted the list I already have in que, then i’ll be doing sponsor content for a couple of months, then jumping on the tube. I’m back at work full time, so i’ll be doing all of this when I can, peeps. Merry Christmas!!!
Fall 2021 / November 23 – You’ll notice that I’ve added two new libraries, “Metal Babes” and “Tattooed Babes”. Not much there at the moment but in the next coming months, I have lots more content creators in these niches that will be going up. Happy Holidays All!
Fall 2021 / November 21 – One thing of note, all sites, galleries and content creators have been checked and maybe 70% of these peeps have redirected links. This was due to the only fans debacle a couple of months ago. So I’ve redirected traffic to either their link tree’s or social media pages. In some cases where the content creators have added subscription tiers, I’ve re indexed them to the appropriate libraries.
Fall 2021 / November 19 – Updating to version 6.2 this evening. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve been here, but I am very happy to be catching this alt directory up with the rest of the network and getting back to regular updates. The sidebar is basically redesigned, I’m bringing back the ratings system, so I can get a sense of where you all are surfing, and you’ll be able to see as well. Button redesign, redesigning this area and it looks pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. This will take a couple of days to do.. I will be putting up a new wall after that’s all done. I’ll also be checking links for 404’s, so the directory is caught up. Happy Holidays All!
Summer 2021 / August 17 – This alt directory of some of the many Goddesses out there, is growing in ways that I never even imagined. I might be moving some stuff over to Hot Net Babes, I’m really not sure yet.. Just put up a new wall of content creators. I’m going nuts on the erotic cosplay niche. That’s a deep hole to dive into, so many variations of this, tis interesting.. You’ll see that I also have a “Goddess of the week” Archive Gallery. Also the “Goddess of the week” area to the left of me if you’re on desktop is not much smoother and feng shui than it was. This redesign should be done in the next couple of hours.
Summer 2021 / August 12 – So, yeah I lied, I’m gonna go ahead and update this visual babe directory to version 6.8.5. Included are revising some of the verbage, new “trending babes” sidebar. Resizing the pages so the sidebar isn’t scrolling forever on desktop. Providing tooltip information on “mainstream” models that I have indexed. Replacing pics with promotional video feeds on “Babe Spotlight”, among other things. It’s a big update.
Summer 2021 / July 24 – Ok, so I know that most of the content creators I’m indexing probably wouldn’t be cool with all of the hardcore porn I had on my front page, and The adult industry is now being replaced with only fans, patreon, centro, etc., platforms that were built for content creators. So I’m going to take this concept in that direction for now. All of my alt porn sites are still listed, but I’m taking the lesbian, preggo and hardcore short links off of the main page for now.
Summer 2021 / July 23 – Version 6 launches today. Getting the alt Goddess Archives transferred was key to this update. Also the action button redesign and new gallery design. I have decided though to go back to the old design for indexed models and sites and the new format for our exclusive sponsor galleries. Also have a new wall of sites and content creators going up tonight as well. 😉
Summer 2021 / July 9 – Welcome to version 5.8. Lots of enhancements here with this version. If you surf my other visual directories, you know which changes I’ve made. ;). Adding my Alt Babe Archive this evening as well as a new wall and a ton of new sites. Hope you are all well, this will take about a week to complete, and I am updating in conjunction with Hot Net Babes, our sister site. So please pardon the mess as I round out this visual alt babe concept!
Spring 2021 / May 10 – Welcome to Version 5.7, image display upgraded for devices. New Galleries are now “Image click” to scroll. Galleries also have a slide show option as well as a built in magnifier with the lightbox now. Also mobile navigation and the general mobile surfing experience with us is refreshed. Lastly, some minor design tweaks have also been implemented.